Justin Harvey

The Empty – Entry 5

“You came back,” Anthony said in disbelief. His throat tighten as the emotions ignited inside him. It had been a year since his visit to the edge. Jasmin wasn’t scheduled to return until next Fall. They had spoken over hololink two days earlier and she hadn’t mentioned a trip home. She looked perfect, maybe a… READ MORE

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The Empty – Entry 4

Toner… Anthony… he’s the reason I keep this ridiculous journal. Sentimental nonsense, I know. But since the 8th advance the whole world has gone senseless, why rock the boat. It was the first day of the semester, my final year and his first year. I saw him from across the campus field. He was busy… READ MORE

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The Empty – Entry 3

5 minutes. I feel the heat wave they’ve told us about, which they immediately follow with, “if you feel it, run! You’re in the path of the advance!” Their description is wrong. It’s not so much a wave as a pulsation, like the atoms in and around me are briefly igniting, then… not. It’s weird… READ MORE

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The Empty – Entry 2

I threw a rock at it today. Growing up we were taught to fear The Empty. Over time my fear turned to caution then to curiosity. I guess that’s why I moved to the edge when I came of age… that and the great real estate prices. It was memorizing to watch. There’s no gravity… READ MORE

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The Empty – Entry 1

I opened the back door to let the dog out. It was closer tonight. The Empty. There used to be trees as far as you could see. Mr. Archen’s house is gone now. He left with the front of it. I felt the pull. The Empty isn’t cold like people used to say. It just… READ MORE

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