Justin Harvey

A New Adventure


From the archive…
Friday, Dec 14, 2012 – I had just read the reports of a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary. 26 dead, killed by a 20 year old – barely an adult himself. I walked the halls of my office while the news sank in, my heart hurting for those involved. That’s when I came across a company poster on the wall that read:
We are here:

  • To enlighten, inform and educate.
  • To lift people up and celebrate the best of who we are.
  • To hold ourselves and other people accountable.
  • To mobilize support for worthy endeavors.
  • To investigate, celebrate and never relegate our responsibility to make life better in every community we serve.
  • To deliver correct and compelling information, and careful and somtimes passionate advice in order to improve the well-being and vitality of the communities we are honored to be a part of.

I read it several times before moving on. When I got back to my desk I wrote a letter of intent. I was going to develop a program that travels to schools – shows students the value of their lives, empowers them to make choices that reflect that, and encourages them to foster that value in others… and, of course, it would be artistically epic.

Friday, Jan 31, 2014 – It’s been a little over a year since the events above. Today I’m doing what I said I would. I’m leaving my management position at G/O Digital (Gannett) and to develop abrasiveMedia’s Project Awake.

This is a huge step for me (probably a risky one too), but I know this is something I need to do. This is something that matters, something that WILL actually save lives, something that’s bigger than me. I’ve planned as far as I can – now it’s time for action. For all the risks involved and the uncertainty ahead, I feel an unshakable confidence that this is absolutely right.

So here goes. Closing one chapter of life to open another. My heart is full.


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